
SRF Meteo

Stay up to date on the weather in Switzerland and worldwide.


74 Votes

Optimierungen für Android 10

Kleinere Verbesserungen bei den Widgets

Weitere kleine Optimierungen + Bugfixes

Die SRF Meteo App wird laufend überarbeitet, um Ihren Bedürfnissen noch besser gerecht zu werden.

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Bei Problemen mit der SRF Meteo App wenden Sie sich bitte an den SRF Kundendienst per E-Mail ([email protected]) oder per Telefon (0848 80 80 80).

Top 6 SRF Meteo Alternatives

MeteoSwiss  2.5

Weather and Warnings from the National Weather Service

Weather for Switzerland  3.4.14

Detailed Weather Forecast for Switzerland and every city in the World

Weather XL PRO

Accurate weather forecast and gorgeous animations

YoWindow  1.22.3

Beautiful, handy and accurate weather. Radar, live wallpaper, weather widgets

Transparent clock and weather  6.10.1

Live weather widgets, hourly & daily forecasts, storm and rain maps and alerts

Weather  5.2.2

Stylish weather app in your status bar. Know the weather anytime and anywhere.